When creating website content, it's important to find your niche. Not every search term is achievable so it's important to choose your battles wisely.
For just £299.00, we will research the most appropriate keywords that are realistically achievable for your website. With this information, you will create content based around these words and include them in your page descriptions, page titles, image names, and website copy.
If you're a business in the SEO industry, you wouldn't want to target the word "SEO" as competition is high. Instead, by targeting a word such as "SEO Consultant London", a page 1 listing is more achievable.
Keyword research finds a balance between the number of searches conducted each month against the number of other websites competing and how difficult a page 1 ranking is based on your competition. For example, if the top 5 listings on Google all had links from the BBC, chances are, you will not outrank these 5 websites unless you too had a link.
No jumping through hoops, long call queues or generic responses. All your IT Services in one place, managed by your friendly IT team.
IT Support, Website Hosting, Data Backup and everything else in between, paid monthly by Direct Debit.
Each member of our team is DBS Security Checked, to protect vulnerable adults and children from those with a criminal history.