For just £65 per month, we will send you a detailed report showing how your search engine optimisation efforts are progressing. We will monitor up to 20 keywords for your website and match these against your competitors. Pair this with our keyword research service to write content based on your most valuable keywords.
This is an extremely useful report that outlines your top performing keywords and which pages you should concentrate your SEO efforts on.
For just £95 per month, we'll also send you a report showing the work that needs to be completed in order to improve your Google Ranking.
No jumping through hoops, long call queues or generic responses. All your IT Services in one place, managed by your friendly IT team.
IT Support, Website Hosting, Data Backup and everything else in between, paid monthly by Direct Debit.
Each member of our team is DBS Security Checked, to protect vulnerable adults and children from those with a criminal history.