Purchasing a server for your office can be expensive, especially when you take into account, the initial hardware and setup costs, ongoing support and backup.
SysFix provides bespoke cloud solutions, that allow your end users to connect to their desktops from anywhere in the world. Your files and settings are always available from multiple devices. As the processing power is performed in the cloud, you only need low-cost laptops or desktops to connect and a working internet connection.
This solution, however, isn't right for everyone. Some people prefer to see a tangible asset in their office and own their data.
No jumping through hoops, long call queues or generic responses. All your IT Services in one place, managed by your friendly IT team.
IT Support, Website Hosting, Data Backup and everything else in between, paid monthly by Direct Debit.
Each member of our team is DBS Security Checked, to protect vulnerable adults and children from those with a criminal history.